The memory podcast

The Memory Podcast

What is it ?

It’s like a radio show, standalone or in  series. It takes the form of an interview, a story, or a chronicle recorded in multiple chapters.

What I’m proposing today, the Memory Podcast, is a piece of recorded family memory. It is for everyone, for those who want to tell their story, to leave a memory for the family in the form of an interview or a written and narrated story in different chapters.

This can be a beautiful family gift, offered on the occasion of a meaningful date. The idea, the initiative can come from the person, eager to narrate the moments of his/her life, or from children inviting their parent to pass on a part of their history in the form of a podcast. A story of transmission.

What is beautiful in the audio interview is the person’s voice texture, his/her laughter, silences, hesitations, and reflections. These are all signs that unveil the richness of a life. Speech and attention are reinvested. Listening to a narrative is undoubtedly a strong family act.

There is also nothing stopping us from considering it in more fun or light-hearted forms, such as a surprise gift where different people record various messages for the person in question.

The audio production of the whole thing could be done in a playful and memorable way. And if you’re interested in a visual content associated with this podcast, then you can select the photos you like.

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Write to me to: or; Tél: 06 15 15 51 81

A genuine biographical item, the Memory Podcast can also, if desired, be integrated with visual support. The recording can be accompanied by a video composed of a set of images chosen by the person.

The Memory Podcast for all occasions

The podcast can also be considered as a photo in audio. It is fantastic for the biographical aspect of collecting spoken words, memories, or transmissions. It can uniquely capture a specific moment in time. An original gift.

For example, for a retirement party, a birthday, the conclusion of an exceptional internship, or even within the corporate setting to commemorate exceptional moments.

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 About me :

As a trained actress-storyteller and radio host, I have dedicated the past 15 years to the world of sound. I founded an Audiobook collection called Caracolivres Editions. I continue to work as a voiceover artist for French and international studios and agencies. In May 2023, I ventured into the creation of narrative and journalistic podcasts.

Upon exploring this activity, I discovered that the common thread among my various podcasts was the emphasis on wisdom. Storytelling, an oral tradition dating back centuries, carries a message, a wisdom.

I have created a podcast for children: « Contes merveilleux pour enfants, » which offers numerous tales from around the world.

When I gather testimonials from women over 50 in « Les héroïnes ordinaires de plus de 50 ans, » my curiosity, beyond their passion and dynamism, is also directed towards their wisdom.

By wisdom, I mean the beauty of an experience, a life  journey, the small lessons we gather based on our life experiences, words that resonate with us. The elder has traversed these experiences before us, and hearing them allows us to put into perspective what may seem like a significant challenge. They have a perspective on life and often share what is essential to them. And it can become essential to us.

By offering , I will collect a bit of the wisdom of our elders. Through their stories, filled with liberties taken, commitments, and joys, we hear the construction of a life. For the family, it’s a reflection on oneself, a piece of their history. And amidst a question, sometimes a very distant and beautiful, even precious, memory will emerge for them or each family member.

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                                                       Write to me to: or
                                                      Tél: 06 15 15 51 81